Italy 2022

Staremo in Italia dal primo al ventisette settembre . (We will be in Italy from September 1st to September 23rd.) Il nostro volo sarà da Pittsburgh a Detroit poi a  Amsterdam poi a Florence. (Our flight will be from Pittsburgh to Detroit, to Amsterdam then to Florence.) Visiteremo la città di Lucca. (We will visit he city of Lucca.) If you want to follow our adventures then click on the daily link each day that we will send you.  

In Lucca we will be staying in our regular apartment. Anche faremo una lezione di cucina. (Also we will be taking a cooking class.)

Quando in Italia si beve e si mangia bene.(When in Italy one drinks and eats well.)

I nostri viaggi saranno divertenti. (Our travels will be fun).


Roberto e Dow     


Il nostro viaggio -Our trip

Click on the links above