Italy 2024

Staremo in Italia dal 3 al 25 settembre. (We will be in Italy from September 3rd to the 25th.) Il nostro volo sarà da Pittsburgh a Atlanta poi a  Amsterdam poi a Pisa. (Our flight will be from Pittsburgh to Atlanta, to Amsterdam then to Pisa.) Resteremo nella città di Lucca. (We will stay in the city of Lucca.) If you want to follow our adventures then click on the daily link each day that we will send you. We will be using some Italian in our writings and always translating into English. Our Italian teacher, Teresa, will be monitoring our Italian everyday. Grazie mille Teresa! (Thank you very much Teresa.)

When traveling you have to have a plan B, C, and D and patience. We were scheduled to depart from Pittsburgh to Boston then to Amsterdam but, it was changed. Pittsburgh to Atlanta then Amsterdam. The times were about the same but our seat assignments were different. While still sitting in comfort+ we are not together. So plan B and maybe C. We have had time changes in the past but, this is the first time our connection city to Europe changed. Delta was excellent at letting us know.

In Lucca we will be staying in our regular apartment for the 3 weeks. Quest'anno incontreremo alcuni amici degli Stati Uniti. (This year we will be meeting some friends from the States.) Of course we look forward again to visiting our italian friends and family.

Quando in Italia si beve e si mangia bene.(When in Italy one drinks and eats well.)

I nostri viaggi saranno divertenti. (Our travels will be fun.) We welcome questions and comments.


Roberto e Dow     


Il nostro viaggio - Our trip

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