Italy 2016

3 Settembre

Click on one of the days above

     Ci siamo alzato alle 9:30. Dodici ore di sonno. Abbiamo fatto bisogno il resto. (We got up at 9:30. We needed the rest.) Dopo il caffè al nostro B&B abbiamo comprato i biglietti per autobus  e abbiamo preso il autobus al pizzale Michalengelo. (After coffee at our B&B we bought bus tickets and took the bus to Pizzale Michelangelo.) La vista è stata bellissima e c'è stato un festival di gelato. (I gusti in gara)  Abbiamo comprato i biglietti a mangiare ventidue gelati.  (The view was beautiful and there was a gelato festival (competing flavors) so we bought tickets to eat 22 gelato.). Fa caldo qui e il sole è brillante. Buon buonissimo per il festival. (It is hot here and the sun is brillant. Good timing for the festival.) Siamo tornati a piedi. (We walked back)

     Per la cena abbiamo mangiato al ristorante La Bucca di Leone. (For dinner we ate at restaurant La Bucca di Leone). Piccalo ma molto buono. (Small but very good). The food was delicious. The pasta with fresh truffles was out of this world. It was so good to taste  octopus again.

our breakfast area
recycling in the kitchen- Notice 5 separate bins- get with it America
the view from Piazza Michelangelo
starting the gelato tasking/competition
let's get back to the gelatos
some came in a cup
the competitors
view of the city
a sign explaining the event
places to sit - but too hot to sit in the sun
another flavor
getting full of gelato
one of the competitors
vote for mine
gelato in the serving display
Bob plans to vote for this one!
another gelaato
every flavor you can imagine
Enough enough
a trailer where they show how gelato is made
another view of more of the festival
a view on the walk back to our B & B
La Bucca di Leone
Studying the menu
Free app
Fresh Artichokes with salad and cheese
Fettuccine with fresh truffles
Grilled octopus with vegetables
Ravioli with octopus and squid ragout
complimentary limoncello

For a slide show click once on the first picture