Italy 2016

7 Settembre

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Bel tempo a Lucca. (Beautiful weather in Lucca). Abbiamo camminato le mura. (We walked the wall.) What a day and what a walk. Many of the locals walk the wall at some time during the day. Tourists also love the wall as we do. After our walk we had lunch at VispaTeresa. Small local restaurant that most people would walk by and not give a look. Il nostro pranzo è stato perfecto (our lunch was perfect). The pasta, cooked just right and very tasty. Only one plate as we are going out tonight. Abbiamo camminato la città nel pomeriggio (Walked the city in the afternoon). The only time we go to dinner at night is at our favorite - Da Pasquale. Abbiamo preso la nostro foto con lui. (We had our picture with him) on last year's Christmas card. Oh no, you threw it away? That is ok. Dinner was great as usual. Dow had seafood salad and then fish - seabream. I had the chef selection (trio of fish) and rabbit.

Pasquale gave each of us a glass of white wine, then after the meal a1927 sherry. Yes, I said 1927! What a nose and smooth, very smooth. The restaurant was packed and turning people away. The first thing we do after settling in is to go and see Paquale for reservations or we would be turned away. It is the # 1 rated restaurant in Lucca on tripadvisor. It has been open for five years and we have been there for each one.

We are emailing you some information about Lucca from people we rent from.

street view
a picture of another of the 4 gates into the city
outside the same gate - Porta Santa Maria
cars coming out of the city
another view
paving on the wall
walking on the wall as it's being resurfaced
Construction even in Italy
lunch at VispaTeresa
Very small
Pasta with truffles
Hand written menu each day
those are some BIG bottles of wine!
La strada (the street)
Need to do more research - I am sure you have a caption
a busy street
a quiet street
starting dinner
bread with olive oil
the first of 3 of Bob's seafood appetizer
Dow's seafood salad
parts 2 and 3 of the seafood trio appetizer
Bob's main course
coniglio (rabbit)
sea bream with vegetables
complimentary dessert - chocolate mousse?
1927 sherry
molti bicchieri di vino (many wine glasses)

For a slide show click once on the first picture

Lucca - the walled city