
Day 7

Breakfast at our door and weather today is getting up to the 70's. YES! No jacket today. Took the metro to the Eiffel Tower. Dow had to get her Paris fix  - sight of the Tower before we depart. Big crowds – We cannot imagine what summer crowds must be like.  Because of the crowds we decided against the Musee d'Orsay and headed to another landmark – Arc de triomphe.  Got off at the wrong metro stop and had to walk the entire Champs Elysee, which turned out to be a good thing as we saw an Apple Store.  Amazing place.  It took them10 years to find the perfect spot and 5 years to remodel, keeping the original French flavor of the building while updating it as well. They had a room like a living room demonstrating the Apple Homepods – amazing sound.

It was wonderful walking the streets in the warm weather. Birds chirping, the smell of baked goods, and people sitting in the sidewalk cafes gave us some insight what summer must be like.  But we prefer April, smaller crowds.

Our last HH.  We will really miss the pâté and French cheeses here.

We sat outside at L'Encrier. Very relaxing and feeling the French atmosphere at an outside cafe. For an appetizer Dow had stuffed artichokes and I had a pear with blue cheese salad– both were out of sight. Dow's main course was grilled fish and again I could not resist the sweetbreads. What a meal.

Downloaded the boarding pass on our iphones and we are packing now.

Finishing off our Sauternes – I hope you all remember what this is – French dessert wine.

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Captions on top of pictures in white lettering during slideshow

There is a flower in my yogurt
There she is
Champs de Mars
Champs Elusees
Famous bakery
Apple Store
This is part of the inside
video room
Biggest Apple Store in Europe
Green inside the store
Just love it
Listening to the homepods at the Apple Store - impressive sound
the original staircase in the building
The detail
Hot chick on the corner
Keeping the streets clean
We saw a lot of the electric scooters to rent
Finally an outside meal
Pear with blue cheese
artichokes stuffed with mushrooms
Sweetbreads again
Fish for Dow
Half gone
Ice cream
Open Kitchen