
Day 2

After a good night's sleep we got up around 8am knowing breakfast will be delivered at 8:30 am. It was a great as we remembered - eggs, coffee, baguettes and croissants, jam, cheese, meats, yogurt, fresh fruit salad and fresh orange juice.

Then we went out and about. Saw a lot of police and a street blocked off in one area but nothing happened. Did some exploring on Rue Antoine and bought some wine and some pâté. I was looking for French sauternes and found some in a wine shop. WOW. Cannot find this very often in the States. That is sauternes spelled with an s at the end. Visited a pâté shop and guess what we bought - pâté. I could have bought a slice of everything but, Dow kept me in check – darn. I wish there was a way to bring it home and let you try it. If we did you would be a pâté fan for life.

There is a little bistro hidden away off from Rue Saint Antoine. We found it last year but it took a while. Easier to find this time! The food was as good as last year. The place was packed (tables about 2'' apart!) and we knew enough to make a reservation. Everything was cooked perfectly and the sauce – oh the sauce. The French know how to make great sauces. Walked back to our place around 9:30 and it took 20 minutes. We feel very safe even in the night but you are always aware of your surroundings – just like in all places.

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Captions on top of pictures in white lettering during slideshow.

Our robes
Breakfast is here
so good
Eggs, fruit, jam, cheese, meat, ...
and of course baguettes and croissiants
Famous but pricey! Trying to get there? (not)
we'll shop here after our walk
We will have one of everything
Yes, there is Happy Hour in Paris
Every piece of fruit has its place
These are all chocolate - how do they do that? (very big at Easter time)
I want to try everything
Rue Saint-Antoine
White Asparagus - so good !
more Pâté
Police cars - ready and waiting for those yellow vests?
Lunch- country Pâté and Salmon
Ask Dow if she loves radishes?
Octopus -
Canard - duck in a wonderful sauce
White fish
love those mashed potatoes
crowded - many small tables close together
picture taken of view from mirror behind our table