
Day 3

Breakfast was waiting at our door. There is a different fruit or flower everyday.

The weather has been cold so we plan for short trips.

We walked out our door and the Paris marathon was going on with thousands of runners. Watched for a while and saw some interesting runners.

Off to the Bastille Marche' (market) held weekly on Sunday and Thursday. It is one of the biggest in Paris (there are 80) and we walked down one side with vendors on both sides of the path and up the other side where different vendors were selling. Every food was available – fish, meats, breads, cheese, veggies, as well as all sorts of clothing and other wares. At first it looked like a flea market but, was more upscale. If we were cooking at home we would have loaded up with fresh foods. We figured it was a mile long.

Not as many restaurants open on Sunday so we spent hours on line looking for one. Clamato was our choice about 20-minute walk through a neighborhood we have not been in – fun.  Had a 45-minute wait to get in so we found a local bar to grab a glass for wine first.  Menu was mostly fish – the pictures below describe our choices. Our octopus dish was one of the best we have had.

Mary Love emailed us that Tiger won the Masters. I thought he was done but true Champions rise to the top.

Click on one side to view slideshow. Click to stop on picture and click to advance

Captions on top of pictures in white lettering during slideshow.

There is a flower in our yogurt
Water for the runners
Cheering the runners
The market
Is that a bird on her scooter?
Different types of food
Sea urchins?
small section of the market
Marking a crepe
not sure even we would eat that fish on the right
Watch your step Dow
small pig
get your chairs caned here
Italian foods are popular, of course!
so much to see
dinner at this restaurant
Sat at the bar - had waited an hour to get this spot
the bar scene
Oysters (above) and tuna pastrami
white wine
Octopus carpaccio with persimmon and paprika - so good