Had our usual great breakfast. Today we are going on a sightseeing boat at Vedettes du Pont Neuf. The weather for the day is in the 70's. We bought tickets online and went to the bus stop (in front of our place). Dow asked me about the tickets- whoops - forgot to download them. When in Europe you can't use cellular because it is costly (Wi-Fi is free). Back to the apartment where we have Wi-Fi and downloaded the tickets. The bus comes every 10 minutes. We got on the bus to pay cash and the conductor said only tickets - merde. Walked to Metro station bought tickets (tickets for metro and bus are the same) and caught the next bus. A little hiccup but, we made the boat just in time.  In fact because we bought them online we were able to by-pass the line there.

Boat tour was in English and French. Glad we did it. Always ready to adjust and that what makes traveling fun when you're on your own.

After the tour we headed to the Saint Germaine district looking for places frequented  by Hemingway (having watched a special on him on PBS and having read The Paris Wife). Stopped for a white wine where they had Wi-Fi so we could plot our route to some of Hemingway's hangouts. Found them – Les Deux Magots, Café de Flore and La Closerie des Lilas. Dow was so excited she “stole” a menu from a table at Café de Flore. We are now wanted criminals. We quickly took the bus home.

There is a good movie set in the  Latin Quarter and St. Germain called “Midnight in Paris” staring Owen Wilson.(Rotten Tomatoes give it a 93%).  

Quick snack and some rest. Later we walked to Le Bistrot du Peintre on Rue Ledru Rollin. It is a typical Parisian brasserie bistro. First an aperol spritz and then Dow had salmon tatare and I had escargot. Second course Dow had whole Dorade Royal (fish) and I had duck leg with potatoes. Down home atmosphere. Talked to a guy at the next table who had a French and an  English paper so we struck up a conversation. He was very knowledgeable about history. This is an older guy you would want to spend a week talking to. Fascinating knowledgeable man!

Night cap at home and discussion of the day events.

Day 10

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I can get used to this
The clock tells you how many minutes until bus arrives
Made the boat ride
Map of our river cruise
Ready to go
Musee du Louvre
our guide
Musee D'Orsay
Pont de la concord (built with stones from the old Bastille prison)
there are 37 bridges in Paris
great view
Our tour guide
Pont Alexander III (most beautiful bridge in Paris )
Pont Des Arts (the "Love Locks" bridge) 40 tons of padlocks remove 2018
beautiful views
Trees lining the river
Saint Germaine district
very wide street
a stop to use WiFi (and to have a glass of vin)
also of course for Dow to use les toilettes
Les Deux Magots (another Hemingway drinking spot)
Hemingway spent a lot of time here
tourists waiting to get in
got a menu from Cafe de Flore
love the tree lined streets
484,000 trees in Paris (and that only counts the public trees!)
Le Bistrot du Peintre
aperol spritz
a little tired?
Stairs to kitchen
salmon tatare
Later it is packed
waiters must for up and down these stairs with food and empty plates etc.
whole Dorade Royal (fish)
Good job Dow
Falls off the bone
Our new best friend
planning for tomorrow