Our daily basket came. We will miss the daily basket. We checked a second place to stay in case this is full next year- Hotel Palym which is close by. Off to the Marais district to see Victor Hugo's house. We really like the Marais district especially Rue St. Antoine. Found the house with Dow's help. The square is called Place des Vosges and is Paris' most beautiful square. His house contains beautiful paintings, furniture and statues all throughout. Most of you know that he wrote the book Les Misérables . Well, Les Misérables the musical is our favorite musical. It is coming to Pittsburgh in November and we plan to go twice.

We next visited our favorite pate' store and bought some pate' and salmon tartare for tomorrow night since we are eating lunch tomorrow and packing in the evening.

Getting a little nervous about the COVID test tomorrow. C'est la vie (such is life).

We went to a restaurant that we liked in the past but, they had new owners and we didn't like the menu or host. We had a drink and left. Went to a corner bistro that was ok but, we wasted a night in Paris – merde. This really upset me but when a restaurant changes ownership you never know. What makes me mad is that I should have known. There are so many restaurants to choose from and  because it is Saturday night made it worse. Merde merde!

How many times have we seen Les Misérables?   5 , 10, 15 , 20, 25, 30, 35 +

Day 11

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Working on the web pages
Tony, there is a Taglio in Parieeeee
Canal and marina
Colonne de Juillet-commemorating the Revolution of 1830 in Place de la Bastille
Bike lanes - very friendly city for bikes
Victor Hugo's house is beyond this
Beautiful square
Place des Vosges
one of the oldest and most beautiful parks in Paris
Victor Hugo's apartment overlooks this park
Louis VIII
surrounded by beautiful buildings
looking out from the Place des Vosges
crazy art shop?
Found Victor Hugo's house and museum
his apartment is 3 floors
A Tear for a Drop of Water which was commissioned for the opening of the Victor Hugo House in 1903
Red room paintings
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Red Lounge
View of the square from Victor Hugo's - The Antechamber
The Dining Room
Very old bench
lots of art work
Victor Hugo
We love Les Misérables
His bedroom where he died
Cosette - How many time have we seen Les Misérables the musical?
Oh, Cosette
Pate shop
Oh, my
Can you believe
I dream about this shop when I am home
Eating outside
Salmon tartare
Wine is good