Giorno Tre

Giornata nuvolosa e temperatura migliore (Cloudy day and better temperature.)

Finished unpacking and all the technology is set up – computer, iPad, watches and iPhones.

Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web e poi abbiamo camminato nella città. (We worked on the website and then walked in the city.) La pioggia questa mattina. (Rain this morning). The rain is off and on. Great day to rest.

The people we were meeting for lunch cancelled due to a cold. Che peccato! Hope they get better.

Il siamo andati all'Osteria La Bottega di Anna e Leo. (We went to Osteria La Bottega di Anna e Leo.)  Changed the reservation. They were full but, they made it happen. We have eaten there for many years and they know us.

Prima, Dow ha preso Maccheroni all'uovo Stordellati condimento di ragu', ripieno dei tordelli, ricotta di pecora e spinaci. (First, Dow had Stordellati egg macaroni Ragu 'dressing, filling of the tordell, sheep's ricotta and spinach).

Secondo, Dow ha preso Rovelline alla Lucchese tagliata di manzo, impanata e fritta con uovo e cotta rifatta con pomodoro e capperi. (Dow had Rovelline alla Lucchese cut of beef, breaded and fried with egg and cooked redone with tomato and capers.)

Per primo ho preso gnocchi di patate con salsa di pomodoro e basilico. (I had potato gnocchi with tomato sauce and basil.)

Per secondo ho preso garmugia Lucchese Zuppa di legumi con carne di manzo, pancetta, carciofi, fave, piselli, asparagi. (Second course I had garmugia Lucchese legume soup with beef, bacon, artichokes, fava beans, peas, asparagus.)

This Osteria is traditional Italian cooking - country style.

Signed up for the opera "CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA" which will be performed on the 14th. Bought the tickets online using Apple pay and using only Italian. We will see it again in November in Pittsburgh. That time they will have English translations! It's the music that counts.

Abbiamo camminato parte del muro nel pomeriggio. (Walked part of the wall in the afternoon.) We saw one of the scultures (artworks) and there are more in the city to find. A lot going on but, that is for later days.

Wine, snacks and good conversation on the balcony

Ci piace molto Lucca. Buona Notte

Italy 2024

Going to this Opera
Outside of bedroom window
This is how to bring cement into the second floor. and no elevator.
Osteria La Bottega di Anna e Leo
Bella donna
vino rosso
still tired
Rovelline alla Lucchese
Pick up after your dog
Setting up for flower show this weekend
Filling his bottles with fresh water
on the wall
Information on finding the sculptures (artworks)
First of the sculptures (artworks)- DATAMORPHOSIS -paper cocoon
Polonia - Poland
Balcony snacks

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