Giorno Cinque

Italy 2024

We stayed up late last night and so also to rise. Still catching up on some sleep.  As you know Italians are not big on breakfast. This fits into our plans.

Questa mattina fa bel tempo. (This morning the weather is nice.)

Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web e poi abbiamo camminato sul muro. (We worked on the website and then walked on the wall.)  A big and I mean big flower show. We have no intent to enter as we can never bring flowers into the U.S. and if we could they would never survive the journey. But…. We saw some food that we are interested in and liquorice drinks. So tomorrow we will enter and see.

The restaurant we planned to go to was closed because of a wedding. So, plan b. Went to Antica Osteria. We have been there before.

Per primo Dow ha preso tagliatelle con funghi porcini. (First Dow had tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms.)

Per il secondo piatto Dow ha preso Filetto di tonno in crosta di pistacchio e cipollina caramellata.( For the second dish Dow had tuna fillet in pistachio crust and caramelized chives.)

Per primo ho preso grilled polenta. (I first had grilled polenta.) Per il secondo piatto ho preso gnocchi con polpo and pecorino. (For the second dish I had gnocchi with octopus and pecorino.

We should have known it was going to be hot because part way through the lunch a cool mist started coming out of the umbrellas overhead. That is how they survive the hot summers during the meals. I am sure during the Roman times they did not have those.

When we left the Osteria someone in Italy turned on the heat lamp to VERY HOT because the afternoon was HOT and HUMID.  We were not expecting that.

Abbiamo Camminato nella città – principalmente guardare le vetrine. (We walked in the city -mostly window shopping) Se abbiamo camminato sulla le mura, avrebbero chiamato l'ambulanza. (If we walked on the walls, they would have called the ambulance)

When it was cool in the evening we had a little snack and ended with Vin Santo and biscotti. Italy's answer to bread and butter. Which by the way we should add you never see butter (sometimes oil) at a meal also no bread plates.

The bread is meant to be used to sop up the sauce! And not used before the meal.

Bouna Notte

Dow climbing one wall access
be careful
you got this
few more steps
On the wall - tents setup for flower show
Let's buy some - we are outside the flower show so we can't
never survive the trip home
OMG- the holy grail -Liquorice
More Liquorice
And even more Liquorice
You have to pay to enter - 8€ (euros)
I want some
Antica Osteria
Bella donna
tagliatelle with porcini muschrooms
Tuna - Lucca symbol on plate
The mist
More mist
narrow streets
buona notte

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