Giorno Undici

Italy 2024

It is cool today. High in the 60's. It is the most cold that we have had in September since coming to Italy in 2010. Temperature fresche ma il sole splende! (Cool temperatures but the sun shines!)

Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web e poi abbiamo camminato sulle mura. (We worked on the website and then walked the wall.)

On the wall there is a building that has a toilette but, most important, contains video and pictures of the wall and its history. We have seen the video before, but watched it again because it's so amazing. People of Lucca love their wall!

Lunch with Carmen, Maureen and Jill. Jill treated all of us to lunch which was very gracious of her. Grazie mille Jill.

Dopo il pranzo abbiamo camminato per le vie della città. (After lunch we walked through the streets of the city.) Dow and I stopped to have an aperol spritz and watch them light the lights on the Chiesa di San Michele. On the way home Dow bought a sweater.  We were prepared for 90's not 60's. But next week looks like 70's!

Santa Croce started around 9pm and we saw some of the beginning. It ended with fireworks after midnight which woke me up.

Little description of Santa Croce …

Every year the city of Lucca celebrates Santa Croce in great style. The events take place in mid-September and include the evocative Luminara di Santa Croce, held through the streets and squares of the historic center, lit up with thousands of lights and candles, while people in medieval costume parade through and mix with the onlookers.

All means of transportation but cars
Lucca and the Roman walls
Lucca and the Medieval walls
Lucca and the Renaissance walls 1550-1650
Lucca and the walls from 1849
conoscere le mura - know
the walls (a video presentation)
In the garden at Canuleia Trattoria
Beef carpaccio, with snow peas and cherry
Prawn tall salad with basil mayonnaise and Assortiment of local ham, salami, cheese and roast bread with tomatoes
Slice of roast bread with cuttlefish, artichokes and dried tomatoes
Enjoying the presentation
Black tagliolino pasta made by "Pastificio Campofilone" with cod and cherry tomatoes on leek
Pasta nera and tortelli speical
Dow's tagliolino nero
Vin Santo and cantucci
Jill toasting with her grappa
Lighting the lcandlles
How are they going to light these candles?
Having an Aperol Spritz and watching the lighting event
Getting dark
Bella Strada
Bella Chiesa
Part of Luminara di Santa Croce

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