Giorno Sei

Italy 2024

We had a good sleep and worked on the web site. Oggi pioverà (It's going to rain today.) Abbiamo camminato al Murabilia. (We went to the flower show on the wall.) Two hundred exhibitors - Italian and foreign - of plants, flowers, bulbs, shrubs, trees, etc.

I was going back for my licorice drinks. I saw the tent on Saturday when we did not enter the show. So, we bought the tickets (10  each) and walked to that area – their tents are gone! They left without saying arrivederci. I bought some licorice candy as a consolation. I am so disappointed and then it started to rain. Dow knew how to cheer me up - she bought a bracelet.

Siamo andati al pranzo. (We went to lunch.) I said to the waiter, who we know, “Ho bisogno di vino”.(I need wine). He responded “bottiglia” (bottle) I said “Si” he laughed as he returned with the bottle. I knew it was going to be one of those days. Then it started to rain – hard! We were eating outside but protected. There were a couple of kids next to our table – I thought – just perfect! Dow commented “molti bambini” (many babies) the waiter threw up his arms and said in English - too many.

Dow had smoked salmon carpaccio alla rosolo and pappardelle with wild boar sauce.

I had bruschetta and then wild boar stew with polenta.

Dopo, siamo andati al negozio per comprare pane e una torta. (After, we went to the store to buy bread and a cake.) The walked home in the heavy rain. At least Dow had an umbrella.

Then I discovered from an email that my information in the last email was unorganized. I want to apologize and this really caps off the day!

But then we decided to go to the paper exhibit. I could fall into one exhibit and destroy it. My mind is racing. But when we enter and saw what the artists had done it blew us away. This was truly OMG! Totally  amazing!

There were so many exhibits that I could only include a few. We found 2 more of the sculptures so that makes a total of four. They were located outside the exhibits.

Remember they are all made of paper.

Drinks and snacks inside & buona notte.

Inside the flower show
Flowers everywhere
buddha's hand
I could take these home for the backyard (to join all the others!)
licorice candy
Where is the licorice tent?
They're gone!
Lunch at Osteria Rosolo
smoked salmon carpaccio
wild boar stew with polenta
pappardelle with wild boar sauce
Apple cake - not sweet
3rd sculpture
The leap of desire: The quest of the squirrel
4th sculpture - leaping to the acorn
Inspired by the Chinese legend of Kunpeng, the artwork "Desiderio" symbolizes the desire of the heart, while the mountain in the background reflects the inner landscape.
Welcome to the Fashion area. Here you will find works by artists who use paper and cardboard to create dresses and accessories.
Her artistic vision conveys a message of awareness and attention towards the essence of life and the beauty that surrounds us.
Dresses are from "Alice in Wonderland "
His whimsical creations are inspired by the fantastical realm of "Alice in Wonderland"
The detail of this hat is amazing
Paper tunnel
The artist using recycled materials such as cardboard and driftwood.
Sitting in a cardboard seat - some big guy must have tried the middle seat
Moving towards the future
Made of ancient mercator maps
childhood - remember made of paper
Top floor - The artist sees "Bonzo" as an extraterrestrial entity that acts as an oracle.
view from the 3rd floor

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