Giorno Quattro

Abbiamo dormito bene. (We slept well.) Fa bel tempo. (Nice weather.) All our windows are open and the Italian air is a perfect temperature.

Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web. (We worked on the web site.) Poi abbiamo camminato sul muro. (Then walked the wall.) Bella giornata! (beautiful day!)

Some people are new to this website so a little history of our travels to Italy. We have been coming to Lucca since 2010. A dance friend who had recently lost her husband had come to Lucca alone. She mentioned how beautiful and safe the city is. So on her words we traveled here in 2010. At first - we would travel one week to another city and then Lucca. The last 3 years only to Lucca. Here, we have made friends and have an “adopted” family.

Abbiamo mangiato il pranzo alla Canuleia Trattoria. (We ate lunch at Canuleia Trattoria.) The trattoria is tucked away on a side street. When you walk through the inside it opens up to a beautiful outside garden area. We have been coming to this trattoria since 2010. We met the owners again – Eleonora and chef Matteo.

Dow ha preso insalata di code di gambero con maionese al basilico. (Dow had prawn tall salad with basil mayonnaise.)

Secondo, Dow ha preso filetto di orata alla mediterranea - su crema di carciofi. (Dow had mediterranean sea bream fillet with cherry tomatoes, olives, capers and shallots on artichoke cream.)

Ho preso scaloppa di foie gras scottata accompagnata da marmellata e pane in cassetta. (I had scaloppa di foie gras with jam and bread.)

Secondo, ho preso tortelli lucchesi - ravioli di carne saltati con ragu di carne. (I had homemade ravioli meat served in bolognaise sauce.)

We finally connected with our friends from the States. We had aperol spritzs together at a cafe. Went back to their hotel and had another drink outside. Non stiamo guidando. (We are not driving.)

Alle 21:00 siamo andati a un concerto gratuito in una piazza. La musica di Puccini (At 9:00 pm we went to a free concert in a piazza. Puccini's music) It was outside and was held in front of Puccini's home and was a program of arias from his operas.  We were able to get a seat in the front row of a cafe - wonderful evening.  Puccini's house was in the background as well as his statue.

So beautiful to hear opera music at night in the open air, stars shining, with tenor and soprano voices bouncing off the buildings – only in Italy.

Quick drink on balcony – buona notte.

Italy 2024

Another view of paper cocoon
view from the wall
Outdoor movie
Interesting comment from a wine store we visit.
Canuleia Trattoria
outside dining
Bella donna
foie gras
Prawn tall salad with basil mayonnaise
Home made ravioli meat served in bolognaise sauce
Mediterranean sea bream fillet
Our second find
Stati Uniti d'America - USA
Evening cocktail
Waiting to begin -Piccini statue iis back behind the stage
Filling the air with beautiful music
Even the dog is paying attention
The outdoor bar we were sitting at - named after a Piccini opera

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