Giorno Dieci

Italy 2024

Time moves so fast went you are having fun. 10 days already! We are running out of time for the to do list to be accomplished. Believe or not 3 weeks is not long enough.

Il tempo é freddo e ventoso . (It is cooler and windy.) The weather has changed and there was a light rain around 7:00am. Did not bother us.

Adjustment made this morning – did not walk the wall because of the wind. We went shopping or I should say Dow went shopping and I “went” watching. Dow bought two small gold bracelets. One with hearts and the other with a star. Then looked at some clothes as Dow looked for the signs “saldi” (sales).

Siamo andati all'Osteria La Bottega di Anna e Leo per il pranzo. (We went to Osteria La Bottega di Anna e Leo.)  Il cibo è stato molto buono. (The food was very good).

Enjoyed talking to the owner. She is a sweetheart.

After lunch we did some reading in the afternoon.  It is nice  to just relax while on vacation. Tomorrow we will do  today's plan.

We were invited over to Carmen & Maureen's apartment for some snacks and wine with them and Jill. Good  conversation - interesting and fun! Quick vin santo in our apartment and not on the balcony – too cool. I can count the number of times we had to go inside on my left hand since we have been coming here. Our first year here was 2010.

Buona Notte

Cloudy and windy
Lights are up for the the Luminaria of Santa Croce
Pizza tools book
Putting on the bracelet
New bracelet
Look at the paper detail of the bear. We found it a couple of days ago. The revolt of the wild world
Osteria La Bottega di Anna e Leo
Marinated Vegetables in oil
Zuppa - Seasonal fresh vegetable soup
Carmen preparing snacks
Very good red. You will not find it in the U.S.

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