Giorno Ventuno

Italy 2024

Little rain in morning and afternoon but warm. Non abbiamo camminato sul muro. (We did not walk on the wall.)

We are trying to pay the hospital bill which is €160. That was our goal for the morning. At the hospital they told us we had two weeks to pay and that the QR code on the bill would tell us how.  With a little help we realized that the website says you can pay at a certain bank. We tried and it was tough getting in. You had to go in a circular glass tube. Only one person at a time.

We talked to a lady who told us we could not pay there because we do not have an account! She said we have to go to the hospital.  

Abbiamo comprato un panino focaccia alla Focacceria da Umberto. (We bought a focaccia sandwich at Focacceria da Umberto.) Brought it back and shared it in our apartment.  

Lazy afternoon and decided on a late one course lunch at da Rosolo. At 6:30 pm we met Katia and Andrea for a quick aperitif. Katia's mother doing better, and they have finally found someone to help with her during the day as they both work.

How you enter and leave the bank - one at a time.
Putting up film festival banners
This section only makes focaccia sandwiches
Making the panino
fresh sliced tomato.
bufala mozzarella, basil, grain
Light rain
So good
Katia and Andrea

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