Giorno Sette

Italy 2024

Fa bel tempo (nice weather)

We worked on the website and it took longer than usual because of matching the pictures with the descriptions. Working with my computer and Dow's iPad we were able match them up from the pictures and pictures of the descriptions.

Maureen e suo marito Carmen sono arrivati oggi. (Maureen and her husband Carmen arrived in Lucca today.) We know them as Maureen worked in the Spencerport Central School District. They flew into Pisa and took the train to Lucca. We met them in Piazza Napoleone. They have a travel friend, Jill who works in the Brockport Central School district. Small world!

Abbiamo camminato al caffè Turandot in Piazza San Michele (We walked to the Turandot cafè in Piazza San Michele.) We had aperol spritzes and beer. Great conversation and remembering good times at Spencerport and Brockport. They were tired after being up for 28 hours but, could not occupy their apartment until after 3:00 pm. Then we went to their apartment for a quick visit. It is beautiful – 3 bedrooms and 2 baths – plenty of room and a great patio. There are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Their two daughters are coming in later.

We did some shopping and went back to our apartment. Dinner at Osteria Nova. This Osteria has a more modern style of Italian cooking. Abbiamo mangiato qui molte volte e ci piace molto il cibo. (We have eaten here many times and really like the food.)

Primo, Dow ha preso capesante scottate, cocco, bisque di scampi e trito di champignon. (First, Dow had Scallops, coconut, bisque sauce and chopped mushrooms.) Secondo, ha preso ravioli stuffed with quail, demi glace sauce and fried onions. (Second course, Dow had Ravioli stuffed with quail, demi glace sauce and fried onions.)

Primo, ho preso cervello fritto, salsa verde, cipolla borretana e salsa tonnata. ( Fried beef brain, tuna sauce, onion and green sauce.) Ok, I can hear the comments now -how could you? Are you crazy? What are you doing? I just had to try it and it was good. Secondo, ho preso Tagliolini al tartufo nero e fonduta di parmigiano. (Tagliolini with black truffle and parmesan cream.)

Dinks on the balcony – buona notte

Left to right Jill, Carmen & Maureen
Time to dry sheets
Bella donna
cervello fritto
siamo contenti

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