Giorno Dodici

Italy 2024

In the 50's at night – what is going on? Some people are wearing ski-jackets and others are buying warm clothes because they did not pack them. I have one light sweater, a rain jacket and a long-sleeved top which I wore on the plane because it gets cold. Now I am glad I brought them.

Talked to Tony who lives in Brussels and he said they had the same cold temperatures, wind , and also rain.

Dopo abbiamo lavorato sul sito Web abbiamo camminato nella citta. (After we were worked on the website  we walked in the city,) I was then pulled into a shop by an invisible person. She/he said “Dow vuole comprare qualcosa”. (Dow wants to buy something”.) Who am I to argue? So let the shopping begin. Dow bought a cute long black denim skirt – for warmth.

Jill was not feeling well so we met Carmen and Maureen at Osteria da Rosolo. Their daughter was leaving  yesterday from Las Vegas but, was delayed and during the meal she found out she will be arriving this evening. They are so happy. The wine will flow tonight.

Abbiamo comprato un po 'di vino e poi abbiamo bevuto in Piazza San Michele. (We bought some wine and then had drink in the Piazza San Michele). Great conversation.

Back to the apartment then to the Opera - "CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA" at 21:15 (9:15 pm).

This was the headlines from the Redazione - Redazione Lucca Times. “Bel successo pubblico per la prima dello spettacolo” (Great public success for the show's premiere). We agree. It was sold out. This review was from the first performance on September 9, 2024.

The first paragraph of the review…..

The one-act opera in scenic form, curated by the cultural association Arte Infinita, was followed by 150 spectators. In the audience, also the critic Fulvio Venturi, who was pleasantly surprised. His words: “(…) on the field with the music the highly praiseworthy qualities of passion and good will came down. Maestro Mauro Fabbri directed an ensemble of good musicians who played in “real parts” with the integration of piano and keyboard, on stage the choir of the same association acted with value. Great momentum among the soloists with the heart of Tatiana Leksy (Santuzza), the experience of Massimo Naccarato (Compar Alfio), the beauty of Martina Barreca (Lola) and the particular timbre of Sofia Olivieri (Mamma Lucia) with them the very pleasant surprise of Davide Ciarrocchi's Turiddu. To them and to the organizers the applause of a large audience on a very hot September evening...”

The opera was fantastic and the one hour and half flew by. The voices were outstanding.  We bought tickets in row 11 – in the Luigi Boccherini Lucca School of Music – so  you can imagine how amazing the sound was. (He was an Italian composer and cellist of the Classical era.) You felt like the concert was in your living room!  Wonderful evening! Being in Italy watching an opera – so special!

They have boxed wine in Italy - who knew?
lights have been taken down from last night
smoked salmon carpaccio alla rosolo
stewed tripe
fresh spaghetti with clams
Spritz time!
Good wine store
band playing
flag wavers
and they caught the flags
Dow is ready for the opera
Cavalleria Rusticana
Cavalleria Rusticana

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