Giorno Quattordici

Italy 2024

Finalmente, fa bel tempo! (Finally, beautiful weather.)

Beautiful sleeping weather and soundly do we sleep like at home – no noise.

We walked the wall and then went to the amphitheater where we met Carmen, Maureen, and their daughter, Carla and her friend Justin. Jill was also there and feeling better. Noon time spritz and snacks -they were walking to a cooking class later.

Siamo andati a Piazza San Francesco e abbiamo trovato un'altra scultura.  (We went to Piazza San Francesco and found another sculpture.) It was beautiful and named “DREAM”  by Rosane Viegas – from Brazil.

The description of Dream…

To realize the desired future, careful planning in the present is essential. Depicting a girl with scattered sheets and an ethereal crane, the sculture reminds us of the crucial role of planning in our dreams. It encourages reflection on the importance of intentional actions in shaping the future.

In serata abbiamo mangiato la cena all'Osteria Nova. (In the evening we ate dinner at Osteria Nova.) Great meal. The liver mousse surprised me – one of the best I've ever  had. So good that I called the owner over and told him. And the rabbit was so tender and tasty. Wonderful meal.

Description of our meal with the pictures

Spritz time
Music entertainment
at Conad (grocery store)
wines - (right in the grocery store - what a novel idea PA!)
people lined up to buy fried dough
Piazza San Francesco
Madonna Della Stelleria (erected 1687) Our Lady of the Star
Per Favore non toccare -(please do not touch)
just beautiful
Liver mousse, raw langoustine. pan toast and currant sauce
croaker Fish tartare, daikon, shiso and vegetables roasted sauce
Wonderful evening
Rabbit leg, grilled celeriac and cocktail sauce
turbot fillet, vegetables with soy and dashi broth

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