Giorno Undici
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Il sole è brillante e il cielo è molto blu. (The sun is brilliant and sky is very blue.)
We met Sally and Shep who are friends of Brian and Rae (our close friends from Western Canada) and had coffee at a sidewalk cafe. We all agreed we really like Rae but, are not sure of Brian (ha-ha). Sally and Shep are from Australia.
Abbiamo camminato le mura. (We walked the wall.)
Abbiamo incontrato Ellen e Charlie per il pranzo a Canuleia (We met Ellen and Charlie for lunch at Canuleia). It has a beautiful outside garden area. Ellen and Charlie had the pumpkin soup. This is the first time I have seen that on a menu in Lucca. Dow had steak tartare and I had the octopus. Secondo Dow had the sea bass on fennel. Charlie and I had the tortelli. Ellen had the ravioli with spinach. The waitress took our pictures but, no photo – should have checked
Per la cena siamo andati sua casa di Katia e Andrea. (For dinner we went to Katia and Andrea's house.) Li abbiamo visitati per otto anni. (We have visited them for 8 years.) They are “family” and we have watched their kids grow up. Katia picked us up outside the wall as they live about 20 minutes outside the city. Our meal was fabulous as always. Andrea does most of the cooking. Katia did the potatoes. We sat at the table for hours outside. The kids (Niccolo e Natizia and her boyfriend) sat with us and engaged with the conversation. That doesn't seem to happen with American kids. La famiglia è forte qui. (The family is strong here). Natizia is attending University of Bologna majoring in language - Arabic and English. Sorry, I didn't a lot of pictures, as we got lost in conversation. Great time had by all.