Italy 2018

Giorno Otto

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Buongiorno da Lucca

Ci siamo alzati presto e nessuna colazione. We got up early and no breakfast. Oh my!  We are going through some withdrawal. Worked on the website and it is nice to have strong Wi-Fi. Starting to get into our Lucca routine.

Abbiamo camminato le mura. (We walked the wall.) It feels good getting some exercise.

Hunting for Dow's sister but no luck. We have to contact her by text or email but she was not responding so we went to lunch at Cantine Bernadini. We had as usual a great lunch. Pictures below

Finalmente abbiamo sentito dalla sorella di Dow e suo marito. (Finally we heard from Dow's sister and her husband). We gave them a tour of some of the city.

At night we went to one of our favorite restaurants – Da Pasquale. Remember the first thing we do when coming to Lucca is make reservations there. They are always full. Abbiamo mangiato fuori.  (We ate outside.) Had a great meal with complementary prosecco and an after dinner drink. We have been coming here 6 years in a row. It opened 6 years ago and is the #1 restaurant in Lucca on TripAdvisor.

Another artist's work
an explanation in both Italian and English
Beautiful view
Before the Stones concert last year this was grass
I really do not know
On top of the wall
Pronto - ready
panzanella salad
Beef tartare
Pici with oil and garlic
lunch at Cantine Bernadini - a few steps from our apartment
Our waiter having fun - not too busy yet - it's only 1:00!
Dinner at Da Pasquale
Bella donna
Pasquale recommended this wine from Montepulciano.
Squid seafood salad
Seafood salad
Grilled Tuna
Boneless rabbit da Pasquale