Italy 2018

Giorno Dodici

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Il sole è brillante e il cielo è molto blu. (The sun is brilliant and sky is very blue.) Fa molto caldo qui. (It is very hot here.)

I had my colazione (breakfast) of diet coke and pizza while working on the web site.  Notice the thin pizza. It takes about 2 hours to create, organize and publish the site each day but we love doing it.

Abbiamo camminato le mura. (We walked the wall.)

Siamo andati a VispaTeresa per il pranzo. (We went to VispaTeresa for lunch.) L'osteria è molto piccola. (The osteria is very small.) This year we heard it was under new ownership but when walking by the osteria I noticed the same cook there so we are trying it. Menu only in Italian and handwritten - those are great signs. We find foods here that are not in other eating-places. Dow ordered the egg and truffles. OMG! A combination made in heaven.

Went out for a gelato later in the day and came upon a dance school performance.  Watched that for a while then walked some more.  Later, in another piazza, they were setting up for an outside concert – the Filarmonica “Giacomo Puccini” with a tenor and a soprano. Waited 45 minutes for it to start, and then it lasted an hour and a half – great music and singing.

Drinks and food on the patio later.

Breakfast in Lucca - pizza and diet coke while making the web site
View of the wall
Just beautiful
On the wall - people on their phones
Talked to an artist on the wall
Taking down the lights
Very small osteria
warm egg and black truffles
Wild boar stew
Bubble man
found this dance school performance in a piazza
one of the young dancers
pretty good!
Gelato time
Four different flavors - lemon, melon, banana and strawberry .
Open air concert in the piazza