Italy 2018

Giorno tre

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Tuscan countryside
Abbey Sant'Antimo
detailed drawing of the Abbey
Dow with our driver
scene in museum pf early artisans of Montalcino - wood workers
later artisans spun wool
tools used in ancient farming
a family in an early winery
A toilet a Bishop used when he visited Montalcino
Our guide
Brunello dei Barbi
Tasting room
Winery tour
one of the first women to run the Brunello winery, tho it has always been in the same family that bought the land in the 1300's
Very old Brunello
We want a full barrel to take home
Dining room
Just beautiful
I salumi
Le pappardelle fatte in casa al ragù di lepre (Pappardelle with hare ragù)
Pot roast with Brunello dei Barbi
Coffee cream caramel
no cars
Palazzo Piccolomini
Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet was filmed here
Let's do a selfie
Clock tower
know your history
shop in Pienza
another street in Pienza

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Ciao dall'Italia  (Hello from Italy)

Up early so I can send out the blog. Having trouble with the connections but, will try and work it out.

La colazione è arrivata in quel fantastico cestino. (Breakfast came in that great basket.)

Our driver picked us up at 8:30 am as we have a long ride to Val d'orcia. It will take 2.5 hours. It was a beautiful drive through the Tuscan countryside – hills, olive groves, oak woods, and vineyards where Brunello dI Montelcino and other great Tuscan wines are born. Not many straight roads in Chianti. We stopped first at an Abbey in the valley.

Then to Fattoria dei Barbi, a winery in Montalcino that makes Brunnello wines. These wines are expensive and last a long time. They are bottled after 5 years – that is a long time. Our tour consisted of two parts – 1) History of Montalcino and 2) the wine making of Fattoria dei Barbi. Poi, abbiamo mangiato il pranzo li (Then, we ate lunch there).

Il nostro autista ha guidato noi alla cittadina di Pienza e abbiamo fatto una pasaggiatta. (Our driver drove us to the town of Pienza and walked.) Cute town with a lot of history – actually there is not a town in Italy that doesn't have a long history.

Siamo andati dormire presto perchè siamo stanchi. (We went to bed early because we were tired).