Italy 2018

Giorno Tredici

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Ciao da Lucca

We forgot to leave our key at Il Borgo so we arranged a meeting as a driver from there who was bringing guests for a tour of Lucca - ten people from Washington State - they are enjoying their visit to Italy. Met the guide that was conducting the tour. She gave us more information about the area.

Abbiamo camminato solo una parte delle mura. (only walked part of the wall).  Abbiamo fatto una prenotazione alla Osteria Cantine Bernardini per il pranzo. (We made reservations at the Cantina Bernadini for lunch.) Un altro buonissimo pranzo (Another very good one).

Did some shopping and came across a celebration reenacting a medieval archery competition. They were shooting from over 50 yards and most hit the bull's-eye! Fun to watch.

Had a quick drink at Ellen & Charlie's apartment in the evening.

Bought a lemon cake this am
The keys we left -pretty big key holder!!!!
Wow - hurry up and put this in a museum.
Dow and guide who is waiting for her group
Taglio in Lucca
baccala (in jar) and red onion and cici beans
rabbit pate
takes some assembly
trying to get all the fish and less of the oil!
the finished product
Tordelli with meat sauce
Black pasta
drummers begin the entrance of performers
everyone dressed in medieval attire
later these folks will perform medieval dances
crossbow competitors
long parade
I hope I'm the winmer
flag wavers
fun to watch
getting ready for the competition
the bull's-eye
Target over 50 yards away
Most of them hit the bull's-eye
Who hit the winner?