Italy 2019

Martedi è stato la nostra classe di cucina (Tuesday was our cooking class) I requested that we make gnocchi as I want to get better at making it. Giuseppe, the chef, greeted us and then took us to different shops to buy items we will need for the class.

Siamo andati alla sua casa e primo abbiamo bevuto del prosecco. Poi abbiamo iniziato a cucinare (We went to his house and first drank some prosecco. Then we started cooking.) After a tasting of three kinds of EVOO and two types of pecorino, the work began. We made tomato sauce, gnocchi, zucchini dish and pork tenderloin. There were eight people in our class. (One from British Columbia and five from Australia.) They were only spending two days in Lucca. They all wished they had more time here. They did not know how great Lucca is and we told them that it is our secret.

We had lunch (what we prepared) in a beautiful dinning area. First gnocchi, next pork and vegetables, four different bottles of Chianti, dessert, espresso and finally limoncello. What a day! Grazie mille Giuseppe. His fiancé, Liz, is in St. Thomas preparing for a hurricane. She has a business there and met Giuseppe about ten years ago when she came to Lucca and took a cooking class!

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Giorno 15

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Bakery- He is a champion ballroom dancer
fresh beans and in the back - heirloom tomatoes
Big mushrooms
Zucchini blossoms
san marzano tomatoes
Talking to the class about shopping
Legend - fountain of youth
Giuseppe's dining room
my place setting
Oiive oil tasting
pecorino cheese tasting
with honey and green tomato jam
I kilo of potatoes and 300 grams of flour
Let's see - what is that in ounces?
Pork and veggies
dolce - Panna Cotta
Eating our work
Another class accomplished