Italy 2019

We will not mention the weather until it changes which may be next week. A lazy morning which we needed since we have been on the go since we arrived in Lucca. Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web e poi abbiamo camminato le mura. (We worked on the web site and then walked the wall.)

After leaving the wall we helped a couple from California find Risorante Canuleia. They were lost.  The restaurant is hidden on a side street so they were having trouble finding it. Stopped at Cantine Bernardini and made reservations for lunch tomorrow.

The family we visit every year in Lucca is having a little graduation party on Friday for their daughter, Letizia, and we have been invited. (We are so honored.) She just graduated from the University of Bologna and is going on to get her Master's degree in languages.

We ate dinner at one of our favorite restaurants – Da Pasquale. The meal was up to their usual standard – GREAT!

                 Single click on a slide to view a slideshow. It will show larger pictures

Giorno 9

Click on the links above

Tunnel in the wall
art piece of Manuela Graziol - represents a teenager (left over from last year)
also part of last year's display
last year's artist
more wall scenes
Thickness of the old Roman wall
Reading paper in the morning on the wall
A view from the wall
scene looking out over the wall
the gallery
w're going in today
inside the gallery along the wall
Did I see this yesterday?
these are miniature versions of what's outside on the wall
Karen and Andrea
tomatoes and burrata
Octopus salad
ravioli with burrata creme and essence of truffle
after dinner