Italy 2019

First a special thanks to our Italian teacher, Teresa, who every morning proof reads our blog (Italian and English) and sends the corrections to me. Believe it when I tell you she does not miss anything. Brava Teresa!

We have our boarding passes from Pisa to Rome on Alitalia. You have to download them to your phone by their app, which was easy to do. Hoping we can get the rest when we get to Pisa.  We'll take a bus from Lucca to the Pisa airport at 8AM


Abbiamo camminato le mura e poi siamo andati al pranzo. (We walked the wall and then went to lunch.) Checked out the site where the Comics Convention will be.

Packed and cleaned up the apartment in the afternoon. Siamo andati ad un concerto di sera. (We went to a concert at night)

                 Single click on a slide to view a slideshow. It will show larger pictures

Giorno 20

Click on the links above

an event on the wall
I think these are old canon balls
tordelli lucchesi
Notice the difference widths of the pasta-so you know it is handmade
Our last glass of wine in Lucca this year