Italy 2019

I nostri voli sono stati molto regolari e puntuali (Our flights were very smooth and on time.) The taxi from the airport to the train station was through heavy traffic and narrow streets. Florence streets make Boston streets look easy and wide although Boston is much bigger. High speed train to Bologna was easy. In Italy as well as Paris they only post the track the train will be leaving on 10 minutes before departure time so you have to be ready to move quickly - we did! Just made the train to Modena with one minute to spare. Walked about a mile to our hotel. We were tired but found the energy to buy some wine and had dinner at a cute restaurant. We shared a first course Tris di carpacci di mare (seafood carpaccio) and Dow had branzino alla mediterranea (Mediterannian branzino) and I had the Piovra alla griglia  (Grilled Octopus). Excellent choices!

Un giorno di aerei, macchine, treni, e tanto cammino con bagagli e siamo qui con successo.  (A day of planes, autos, trains and lots of walking with luggage and we are here successfully.)

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Primo e Secondo Giorno

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I am ready
Big engine
Tired traveler on train
Hungry Americans eat "early" - it's 7:30!!
Tired but full
Our hotel