Italy 2021

Giorno tredici

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Bel tempo oggi! (Nice weather today!) so we walked the entire wall (we only did part yesterday) - perfect temperature, nice breeze partly cloudy.  Better than the hot weather we had 2 years ago.

Bought a sandwich to “take away” as they call it here- Dow had porchetta and I had capicola .Very tasty - brought it home to eat on our balcony! Today is one of the days we have our big meal at night.

Dow bought a cardigan to wear evenings – She doesn't have one at home so a good purchase in Italy !!

Two years ago, we started to see Apple Pay here and now it is all over Italy. We even bought our train tickets online with Apple Pay.

Abbiamo mangiato all'Osteria Pasquale. La cena ha durato quattro ore. (We ate at Osteria Pasquale. The dinner was 4 hours) Dow had the seafood salad and then white fish. I had tuna tartare and then rabbit. It was so good with all these flavors dancing inside your mouth. For dessert we had Vin Santo with biscotti.

Then we stated talking with the couple  next to us who were from Cologne, Germany. This was their last night in Italy. They have been traveling for two weeks. Their English was excellent. She was in the medical field so a lot to talk about. Her brother and parents were doctors. He was in banking. Time flew by and Pasquale brought some more wine on the house.

As we talked the woman mentioned that is was her friend's birthday but, he was shy about it so I told Pasquale and he brought them complementary cake. Dow told him, who was shy about it at 30, to enjoy your birthdays. Oh, to be 30 again.

I went to pay inside and Pasquale gave me another glass of an after dinner drink. We had a long conversation. It was their 10th year celebration a couple of days ago. We have been coming here for that long. Great friendship!

Bella notte in Lucca. (Beautiful night in Lucca.)

Small delivery trucks with dented front - tough driving through these narrow streets
Sending this to Jay, my PT trainer
Walking the wall in high heels
views from wall
PE class on wall
Old car show?
Another paper statue - Crossing borders
Another way to travel the wall
Monday is laundry day
Ordering panini
Dow shopping
Start of dinner at 7pm - it was still daylight
bella donna
Love being here
Tuna tartare
vino rosso
Seafood salad
white fish
Vin Santo and biscotti
Celebrating his birthday

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