Italy 2021

Primo e Secondo Giorno

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We could not check in online due to the fact that we had to show documents to agent at check-in at airport. No line at Delta check-in counter.

At security we breezed through, no one in line. We have TSA precheck so that was easy - thank you Global Entry!

Flight to JFK left 30 minutes late but we were è stato un volo di sette ore . (It was a seven hour flight.)

Abbiamo trovato Ia stazione di treni e abbiamo comprato i biglietti per Parma. (We found the train station and bought our tickets to Parma.) Non ci siamo fermati per visitare la citta di Milano. (We did not stop to visit the city of Milano.)

Everyone on the Milan Delta flight had to:

Be vaccinated

Pass a COVID-19 test within 3 days of the flight

Fill out an EU contact tracing form

Have temperature taken before boarding

Had a layover in Milano Centrale but we were not in a hurry.

Arrived in Parma around 1:00pm and took a 15 minute walk to our B&B. Then we left again and “scouted out” Parma - never have been here before. Had a negroni then bought some “deli type” food to eat at our B&B. In bed by seven as we needed sleep.

Bloody Mary time
Yes, you always must have your mask on
Milan is very flat
Piazza Garibaldi
Negroni Time
Cooked cod, eggplant, trout and of course cheese & wine

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