Italy 2022

Worked on the website and had my breakfast of champions. Because it has been so hot here we had to use the air at night in the bedroom. We had used it only one or two times in other years but we have it on every night so far this year,

Un grande giorno per camminare sul muro (A great day for a walk on the wall.) Molte persone hanno usato le mura oggi.  (Many people used the wall today.)

Siamo andati alla Plaza del Anfiteatro. (We went to the Plaza Amphitheater.) Piazza dell'Anfiteatro is a public square in the northeast quadrant of Lucca. The ring of buildings surrounding the square follows the elliptical shape of the former second century Roman amphitheater of Lucca. Today it is full of shops, restaurants and tourists. Lucca is a stop for most tour groups visiting Tuscany.

Abbiamo pranzato alla Bottega di Anna & Leo. (We had lunch at La Bottega di Anna & Leo.)  Our second visit here. Whatever we order is so good.

In the late afternoon we went out for an aperitif.  Sat at an outside café and had an aperol spritz. Because everyone was around us , it was nice to sit and “ people watch “.

We are 6 hours ahead of the eastern time zone of the U.S. so the Steeler game came on at 7pm Lucca time. We tracked it until we went to bed and later found out they won in overtime. Watched the highlights – what a game!

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Inside amphitheater
A perfect day on the wall
Discussing world issues?
We are lost - typical scene
Monti Pisani (Mount Pisano) - short mountains (really hills)
the mountain range that divides Pisa and Lucca
respecting tradition of the original recipes
Tagliatelle all'uovo con ragu' di carne
Buglione alla Lucchese (pollo, coniglio, manzo, maiale stufato
Wild boar
Dow left most of the olives
aperol spritz time

Giorno Undici