Italy 2022

Fa caldo oggi. (It is hot today.)

Worked on the web site this morning. Starting to get into a routine. We started planning out what we are going to do and believe or not three weeks is not enough time – crazy.

Abbiamo camminato la mura e ci ha fatto caldo. Non abbiamo portato l'acqua con noi. (We walked the wall and we were hot. We didn't take water with us.) Che peccato! (What a shame!). We came back to the apartment and drank liquids - not alcohol!

Came across another paper art sculpture. This one is called Choice. We can't comprehend how one can conceive such a beautiful idea and create it perfectly in a paper sculpture. It is absolutely mind blowing.

Siamo andati alla Tana del Boia per un panino. (We went to La Tana del Boia for a sandwich.)  It only cost 6 euros and was very good. We wanted the sandwiches to go but, in Italy you have to say the phrase “take away”. Abbiamo pranzato sul nostro balcone. (We had lunch on our balcony.)

At dinner we heard English for the first time. Met a young couple from Ohio at Osteria Da Pasquale. They were on their honeymoon and we were thinking it would have been nice  to  have started our Italian vacations at their age. Not an option at that time however!

We got to spend some time with Pasquale before the restaurant was full. (Remember Italians eat dinner late.) We got there at seven when he opened and Italians start thinking about dinner after 8. He is thinking about cutting back the size of restaurant. When we made our reservation he was full for every night in the next 3 weeks. I guess we better make reservation now for next year. He turned away at least 20 - 30 people that we could see.

We had a fabulous meal. It was time for fish so we both had seafood salad and Dow had  sea bream and I ordered scallops. So fresh and tasty. We even had dessert. We also ordered Vin Santo which always comes with biscotti. Vin Santo is a style of Italian dessert wine. Traditional in Tuscany. Later Pasquale give us 3 more glasses - another Vin Santo and 2 glasses of orangecello .We spent 3 hours at the restaurant and time flew by. Special evening! We have been coming to his restaurant for 10 years.

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The Choice
walking the wall
La Tana del Boia
Back to normal
Da Pasquale at 7:00
Olive oil from Lucca
So happy
Good food coming
Seafood salad
scallops over caramelized onions
Sea Bream
Getting darker
All those glasses
Da Pasquale gave us this dessert - no idea what it was called - great
Another vin santo with biscotti
Soak the biscotto in the vin santo
Another dessert wine - creamy

Giorno Cinque