Italy 2022

Fa caldissimo (It is very hot) !!!!! 95 fahrenheit or 35 celsius.

Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web questa mattina. (We worked on the web site this morning.) We will not walk all of the wall today because of the temperature. Trying to be smart about it. On today's route to the wall we saw a tunnel where people can walk through the wall -  it is thick!

Found another paper artwork Entrust. Lucca displays different artwork each year and it is exciting to anticipate what is coming in future years.

We talked to a German couple who had a gordon setter. The same type as our dog, Geno. This dog was 7 and Geno is 14 &1/2 but still hanging in there.

Abbiamo pranzato alla Bottega di Anna & Leo (We had lunch at La Bottega di Anna & Leo.)

They do not disappoint. Country style Italian food with tons of flavors. As we left we made another reservation for next week.

In the evening we met Katia & Andrea at an outdoor bar. We get together every year. These are  friends here that we have been seeing since 2011. We met them thanks to a fellow colleague at Spencerport, Bonnie Seaburn. When Bonnie was teaching in Boston she had Katia as a student. (Katia's father was working in Boston at the time.) We returned to Spencerport for a retirement party and while talking with Bonnie she mentioned that she'd been in contact with a former student who lived in Lucca. We have met every year since and visited them in Boston when they made a trip back to Boston a few years ago. We have watched their family grow up.

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Entrust - Basilica of San Frediano
in the background
Under ground tunnel for people to walk under the walls
What year?
Where the indoor art exhibit, which we attended yesterday, is held
Stopping to sit on a bench along the wall, trying to stay cool
gordon setter
Yes, there is a dog on the board.
La Bottega di Anna & Leo
Macaroni -flat square pasta
Eating outside
Stewed wild boar with local olives
Norwegian cod cooked in the oven with a side of beans
Katia & Andrea

Giorno Sette