Italy 2022

Bel giorno - non troppo caldo, finalmente. (Beautiful day – not too hot, finally.)

The end of our trip is rapidly coming as this Friday we are scheduled to fly out at 8:30. At the end of a trip the days seem to go by quickly. Ok all you psychology majors explain that one!

Lazy morning and we needed that. We have a tentative schedule for our next four days

While walking the wall we came upon a group playing drums and etc. From a distance it sounded like a marching band. They were very good and talented.  Then we came upon kids preforming different sports. Sunday on the wall there are many activities.  A competition will be held in the afternoon.

Abbiamo pranzato alla Bottega di Anna & Leo. (We had lunch at La Bottega di Anna & Leo.)  Our third visit there. Whatever we order is so good. As we said before it is country style Italian from old family recipes.

Received some pictures from Jennifer who was at the Steelers' game. Tailgate crew carries on – food and fun in Lot 5A.

Recycling is important in cities here and they have quite a system.

When we first started coming to Lucca you had different colored bags for glass, plastics, organic, paper & cardboard, miscellaneous unsorted items.  And different days for each to be put out on the curb between specific hours. Lots to think about!

Now there are large recycling bins all over the city for which you need a card.  Plus there are huge receptacles for glass and other stuff for non-residents to use.  Easier and more efficient. The city is very clean.  Also the streets are washed every day.

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the home of the executioner - more about this museum later in the week
Group playing drums
"pop up" concert song the Wall
they were really good
dogs taking a water break
practicing for competition later in the afternoon
Look how old the referee is?
beautiful day - cooler temps
Set up for a race later in the day
Bread and dessert fare - all purchases are for charity
volunteer offering samples
Free samples
Macaroni -near and tordelli in back
Not sure but it was good - ribs
Buglione alla Lucchese (pollo, coniglio, manzo, maiale stufato
Recycle Rules

Giorno Diciotto