Italy 2022

Fa bel tempo. Non troppo caldo e il sole splende.  (Good weather. Not too hot and the sun is shining.) Ci piacciono questi giorni. ( We like these days.)

The wall was calling our names so we walked it. I timed it today and it is 2.6 miles and we did it in 55 minutes at a casual pace. Poi siamo andati nel nostro appartamento e abbiamo preparato dei panini. (Then we went to our apartment and made some sandwiches.)

La cena all'Osteria Da Rosolo. (Dinner at Osteria Da Rosolo.) Dow said she had the best pasta dish this trip there. Maltagliati dell'osteria - fresh pasta with sea bass and fresh tomato sauce. As in most places the pasta is homemade or as the Italians say “la pasta fatta in casa”. We had a nice chat with a couple, next to us,  from Minneapolis.  Haven't heard much “American English” (this is the 3rd time during our 3 weeks here) but when you eat this early (6:30) there are bound to be other Americans around.  The Italians are still enjoying their aperitifs at the outdoor cafes!


We need these lazy days.   Night cap on balcony.

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Torre delle Ore - Our view every morning from our kitchen
How do you move things up 3 stories with small stairwells in Lucca?
A ladder to the 3rd floor
A platform that moves up and down the ladder - very clever
A tour guide holding up up an identifying marker for 2 people? - crazy
Nuns need water also - can we have some?
We got to the Osteria as it opened at 6:30 pm
10 minutes later it is full
Maltagliati dell'osteria - fresh pasta with sea bass and fresh tomato sauce
Great to be in Italy
smile Dow
Rabbit stew with polenta
Wild boar stew with polenta

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