Italy 2022

Fa bel temp oggi (Good weather today).

Lazy morning but we are facing the reality that we are going home on Friday. That came true today when we started cleaning and thinking about packing. The end of the trip is difficult as we think of all the things we did not do – i.e. we did not go to Pisa or toTorre del Lago. Those trips will happen next year.

Katia and Andrea picked us up at 7:30pm and we headed for a restaurant in Matraia, a village in the hills outside Lucca. Never have seen the Lucca valley from the hills at daylight much less  in the evening. Bella vista! (beautiful view!) Food was great - country style Italian especially dishes served family style.

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Bell tower of Duomo of Saint Martin
Walking the wall - notice the leaves are starting to fall
Tree off our balcony - When we first came here you could hardly see it.
Another wedding reception
Driving to the restaurant
Look how narrow the road is
Bella vista
Lucca in the valley
Heading up the hill
Ristorante Le Colonne
House red wine
Antipasto platter
Tortelli - specialty of the house
Katia had the zuppa
Long table of locals
The pasta has disappeared
side dishes - 2 types of potatoes, 2 types of beans
Grilled cod for two
Contorni - side dishes
baccala (cod) for two
Having fun
Bellissimi amici
Making plans for next year
Lucca from the hills
Entrance to Ristorante Le Colonne
Bella vista e bella notte

Giorno Ventuno