Italy 2022

Piove oggi (Rain today.) Proveremo di camminare sul muro questo pomeriggio.  (We will try and walk the wall this afternoon.)

Abbiamo camminato questo pomeriggio. (We walked this afternoon.) The weather cleared a little but, rain could come at any time and they need rain! It was a lazy day and we needed that. Lunch on the balcony.

Dinner at Osteria Nova. Abbiamo mangiato dentro. (We ate inside.) First, Dow had Foie Gras, raw prawns, pan toast and currant sauce and I had octopus with raspberry flavor, and zucchini cream sauce. For the main course Dow had the lamb ravioli and I had roasted duck. This is our second time eating here and it is so good that we will try and squeeze in one more. We have to make reservations because they turn so many people away that do not have reservations.

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Our apartment view - dining area from living area, kitchen in background
front door from inside
First flight of stairs in building
Down the hallway of building
Second flight of stairs -45 steps total (Dow counted)
Street cleaner - so small because of the narrow streets
The little yellow car is mail delivery car (views from our window)
Guinigi Tower
A couple of years ago a worker fell putting up lights - memorial for him
evening beauty
Bella Donna
Studying the menu
complimentary aperol spritz
Foie Gras, raw prawns, pan toast and currant sauce
Octopus, raspberry flavor, Zucchini cream
Ravioli stuffed with lamb
Roasted duck breast

Giorno Quindici