Italy 2022

Fa caldo qui. (It is hot here.) In the 90's again.

Writing the day events, organizing the pictures and creating the web site takes about 3 hours. But it is worth it as we get to relive the day events and share with others. The positive response from many of you keeps us going. It also reinforces our Italian. Our Italian teacher Teresa proof-reads the web site everyday so grazie Teresa. When we make mistakes Teresa is there to put us on the right road. Ti vogiamo bene. (We love you.)

Abbiamo camminato sulle mura. (We walked on the wall.) It was hot but, we were smart about it. Stopped at Anna & Leo and made reservations for outside tomorrow. Anna & Leo is a country style Italian Osteria. Since we have been coming here it has risen in popularity. Now one of the top ten restaurants in Lucca.  The internet and Trip Advisor have changed everything.

Abbiamo pranzato all'Osteria Antica. Tutti e due abbiamo scelto l'insalata di polpo. (We had lunch at Osteria Antica. We both had the octopus salad.) Second course Dow had Tagliolini seafood pasta and I had Tordelli in a white sauce. This restaurant was recommended by Pasquale, the owner of Da Pasquale, and did not disappoint.

Siamo andati a una mostra – I Pittori Della Luce da Caravaggio a Paolini. A cura di Vittorio Sgarbi. (We went to an exhibit – The Painters of Light from Caravaggio to Paolini. Curated by Vittorio Sgarbi.)  There were 90 masterpieces which told the role that light played in 17th century painting. We selected only a few to post. I wish we could convey the emotions viewing all these works of art. After you paid your admission you were given an iPhone which described the pictures  The way the light was used could only be viewed as breathtaking. The 2 hours we were there flew by.

Abbiamo fatto happy hour sul nostro balcone. (We had happy hour on our balcony.)

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Emerging from Obscurity
located in amphitheater
You see a lot on the wall
The little girl is so happy
The poster about Sunday's medieval event
Tree trimming
Lucca keeps the wall safe and clean
Local market - the mushrooms are looking so good and fresh
If only we could get it home
Octopus salad
Bella donna
Tordelli in white sauce
Seafood pasta
Della Luce da Caravaggio a Paolini
Vittorio Sgarbi
San Rocco
Le età della vita (ages of life)
Maddalena con i simboli della Passione
Antiveduto Gramatica
Madonna del Rosario
Pietro Paolini
Cristo deriso
Matthias Stomer

Giorno Sei