Italy 2022

Cleaning the apartment, packing and organizing. No last minute rush.

Siamo andati all'Antica Osteria per il pranzo. (We went to Antica Osteria for lunch.) Dow had seafood pasta and I had pici (a kind of pasta only found in parts of Italy) for first course. Second course Dow had quail and I had roasted pork. As usual the food was outstanding.

Abbiamo fatto una passeggiata dopo il pranzo. (We walked after lunch.)

Finishing touches on cleaning, packing and organizing and then some prosecco to cap off the day. Early to bed as 4:30 am comes quickly.

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what to order?
Bella donna
Pici pasta
seafood pasta
Dog wants to eat
Good dog
Roast pork
Found a tower we have not noticed - center
We didn't have time to do the wine tasting - next year

Giorno Ventidue