Italy 2022

Our alarm was set for 4:45 but we were up by 4:30. Finished packing, cleaning and out the door by 5:20. We met Katia and Niccolo outside the wall and off to the airport. Niccolo is a great driver and moves right along with the early morning traffic.

Arrived at the airport and saw a very long line 2 hours before our flight. Dow with her ability to problem solve got us to an agent in no time (great Job Dow!). Coffee and then waiting. Plane was on time and flight was smooth. KLM is a great airline – not sold on Amsterdam airport but, in terminal F there are work stations, but not in terminal A or B. If you use the Amsterdam airport be prepared to walk a lot.  There are very few moving sidewalks!

We had a 4 and ½  hour layover in Amsterdam due to a flight cancellation weeks ago. We can adjust. The plane was full and we left Amsterdam on time and arrived in Detroit on time. About 10 minutes of turbulence but, otherwise a smooth flight. 4 hour layover in Detroit which is trying. Want to have a drink but, if I do it would put me out.

Plane early to Pittsburgh.

Arrived on time. Saluti all'italia!                    Anno prossimo! (next year)!

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hope we didn't forget anything - door is locked and key left in apartment!
outside the wall at 5:25 am
we've off!

Giorno Ventitre