Italy 2022

In the morning we went to the other indoor art show and I created another page just for art as I did in day 8a.

Then we wandered around and came upon a wedding reception. The bride was so beautiful and everyone was having a good time

Dow had emailed Grace Roberti, the editor of Luccalife. Having received it at home, Dow wrote and asked her to send the latest edition.  Through a few e mails we learned that she had lived in Pittsburgh for10 years and had founded the local chapter of Lucchesi Nel Mondo.  We decided to meet on Monday for lunch.

Luccalife - Our editor, Grace Roberti, loves to write about Lucca to inspire you: seeing its beauty, learning its culture, and experiencing its humanity can make life better in so many ways — whether you're planning a trip or just an armchair traveler.

Ms. Roberti has lived in Lucca, off and on, all her life. Thanks to the influence of her family — who have been from Lucca “drento” (inside the walls) and “fora” (outside the walls) for more generations than anyone can count — she knows Lucca pretty much inside and out.  But she's always interested in learning more.

We don't just rely on prior knowledge.  We don't believe the first thing we hear in the street or read online: we get hands-on experience and research the topics we post to give you the most up-to-date and most accurate information we can.

To this day, Lucca's spirit of LIBERTA`S (freedom) and garbo (civility) energize the city with fresh trends, sensational events and developments of all kinds.  Keep life interesting.

Abbiamo incontrato Grace e suo marito per pranzo al Da Leo. (We met Grace and her husband,Gerardo for lunch at Da Leo.) They are delightful and knowledgeable. Ci siamo divertiti. (We had a good time.) Time flew by with conversation and lunch over 2 hours plus. We plan on meeting them next year.

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Giorno Dodici