Italy 2022

Non c' รจ sole oggi. (No sun today.) Il tempo sta cambiando. (The weather is changing.)  Dormiamo sempre molto bene qui. (We always sleep very well here.) We had thunderstorms and lightening for about an hour last night.  Thunder just rumbles through these ancient buildings.  And we're on the top floor- must be louder even lower.

Decided to go to the indoor paper exhibit at Palazzo Ducale. We have never entered this building so we were excited to see interior of the palace as well as the exhibit. Both did not disappoint- in fact we were blown away by both.

We spent over 2 hours with our heads spinning with delight. The exhibits were all made of paper, even the seats. I made an extra page to view the pictures of the exhibits. How do artists  think to create such beauty? We are sure the pictures do not do the exhibit justice but, we tried.

The origins of the Palazzo Ducale date back to the mid-early 14th century. The murals on the ceilings and walls are just magnificent.

Abbiamo camminato la mura e ci ha fatto caldo. (walked the wall and we were hot.) The humidity was so high we stopped half way around. Abbiamo comprato salumi, formaggi, e pane per fare i panini al nostro appartmento.  (We bought meats, cheeses, and bread to make sandwiches at our apartment.)

Gisella picked us up around 8pm and we went to La Cecca for dinner. It was outside Lucca in the country. It was a dark and rainy night. But a beautiful restaurant with covered outside seating. For her appetizer Dow had salmon carpaccio and Gisella and I had zucchini flowers with ricotta cheese, anchovies and thyme. Second course Dow had grilled cockerel (young rooster) with roasted rosemary potatoes. Gisella and I had coniglio (rabbit) in white sauce with olives and fried polenta. If we had a car we would be back here in a second. For dessert we had vin santo and biscotti.

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View from our kitchen
The only building in Lucca that was bombed in WWII
Courtyard of Palazzo Ducale
Waiting outside our building for Gisella to pick us up for dinner
Entering La Cecca
fried dough
salmon carpaccio
stuffed zucchini flowers
la nostra tavola
Wonderful time
cockerel with rosemary potatoes
Rabbit & polenta
Vin Santo & homemade biscotti

Giorno Otto