Italy 2023

Giorno Dieci

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Abbiamo dormito bene. (We slept well.) Fa bel tempo. (Nice weather.) All our windows are open and the Italian air is a perfect temperature.

Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web. (We worked on the web site.) Poi abbiamo camminato sul muro. (Then walked the wall). We came upon canons firing fromthe wall and wondered – Che cos'è? (what is that?) Well, Santa Croce does not end until noon the next day and the canon fire signifies the end. We missed a picture of the canon fire but, there was a guide there that gave us a tour of a small military museum of time of  the Republic of Lucca 1524 – 1799. One interesting fact that all the bombers and other soldiers had armor that looked alike during battle . So the only way to know who was on your side was to be wearing the city or area's  colors like the sash around your body or a patch on the armor (like red color in Les Misérables). That makes sense.

We met Grace and Gerry at Ristorante Il Mecenate. We had a wonderful meal and  the conversation was even more interesting as Grace began telling us that they had marched in the Santa Croce procession because her mother was honored and received a medal from the Lucchesi  Del Mondo.(see note below) She became a  programmer after moving to the  US. and dealt with  the odds of a woman fighting in a man's world for a job and equal pay. Road blocks everywhere but she proceeded to be the programmer that created the Blue Cross computer system. She was born in Lucca and has since passed away and Grace received the award for her. Grace is very proud of her mother as she should be – what a lady!

News release-

LUCCA – The appointment with the ceremony to reward the "Lucchesi who have distinguished themselves abroad" is renewed again this year, giving prestige to the city of Lucca. The event will be held on Wednesday 13 September at 5pm in the Auditorium of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni of the Banca del Monte di Lucca Foundation. An award, reserved for fellow countrymen and their descendants residing abroad, who continue to keep alive the link with their land of origin, which has been awarded for more than 50 years, thanks to the initiative of the North-West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce and the Lucchesi nel Mondo Association, who had the idea, given the importance and significance of the migratory process of the province of Lucca, to enhance the example and teaching of the Lucchesi who have distinguished themselves abroad.

Abbiamo preso un gelato nella sera - buonissimo -. (We had a gelato in the evening- so good.)

Snacks and drinks on balcony

Buona Notte