Italy 2023

Giorno diciannove

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Oggi - fal bel temp. (Today – nice day.)

Abbiamo camminato fuori dalle mura per una visione diversa.  (We walked outside the wall for a different view.) There was a good shopping area on Borgo Giannotti that we had been to in the past.  However when we finally found the street, it was different than we remembered.  We should have gone to another area, but didn't know it had moved. Came home to “google” it, but it was too late to go there as it closed at 1:00.  At least we got a long walk in.            .

Pranzo alla Trattoria Canuleia. (Lunch at Trattoria Canuleia.) We were here before; they have beautiful outside garden. Dow ha preso insalata di code di gambero con maionese al basilico (Dow had shrimp tails salad with basil mayonnaise.) Secondo Dow ha preso tagliolini "pastificio campofilone con pomodoro, calamari e burrata. (Second Dow had noodles made by "Campofilone pastry" with tomatoes, calamari and fresh burrata cheese.) Ho preso zuppa di farro. (I had farro soup.) Secondo ho preso pappardelle con funghi. (Second I had pappardelle with mushrooms.) Outstanding food.

A group of seven came in as we were about to leave. They were Americans. I asked them if they wanted a group picture which I took for them. They were from Detroit and had rented a villa in the area. They were later going to Florence and then to Rome. Then they are going to the Ryder Cup which is in Rome. This is the first time the Ryder Cup has been held in Italy. That would be fun to attend!

In the afternoon we came upon a wedding. The Italian bride was pretty. Interesting that they hired a man using a drone to take pictures. Wedding photography is changing.

We tried to get into the Concerto Per San Michele (Concert For San Michele) at 5:15pm but the line was long. We found out later people were let in at 4:00 pm so it was full, and it didn't start until 5:30. The long line was people waiting to get a place inside if anyone left.  We had hoped to get close enough to hear it from outside, but couldn't. There were 2 nuns trying to get in and when they couldn't we figured we have no chance and left.

Drinks and food with our Torre delle Ore (the clock tower).

Outside the walls
Apple store
I want to take the mushrooms home with us
No dryers in Lucca
Trattoria Canuleia
Zuppa di farro
Shrimp tails
Wine glasses on every table
Tired person by the wall
A wedding
Drone operator
The Bride
Chocolate Festival
more chocolate
Lots of people
Great program but we missed it!
Long line at 5:15
Concert is starting and the people in line are not getting in.
Ad for Cinema Festival - Among other celebrities Susan Sarandon will be coming