Italy 2023

Giorno Undici

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Fa be tempo. (good weather) Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web. (We worked on the web site.)

We decided today to walk on the inside of the walls. You will see by the pictures that there are many ways to access the wall. Some steep steps, and others more of a gradual incline. We are always telling you that the streets are narrow and you really have to have a small car to get around without difficulty. So delivery trucks have to be small or there could be trouble. We came upon a perfect example of this. A small truck  got stuck going around  a corner. It stopped traffic, and also the  mail. Not only was it too wide but there was a car parked on the corner which created another problem to solve. We waited about 20 minutes to see what the solution would be, then we gave up and left by walking up and around via the wall. Since  it was a narrow one way street the cars were probably there for a long time!  We will check later to see if there was a solution.

Abbiamo camminato nel pomeriggio. (We walked in the afternoon.) Lazy day.

Nella sera siamo andati all'Osteria Da Pasquale per la cena. (In the evening we went to Osteria Da Pasquale for dinner.) We have been coming to Pasquale's since 2013. We have a good relationship with him and his food is outstanding. Complementary prosecco first and then a glass of white wine. Entrambi abbiamo preso Insalata di polpo e seppie con verdure. (We both had the warm octopus and cuttlefish with vegetables.) We both know how good the salad is and it did not disappoint. Dow ha preso filetto di vitella in crosta di pistacchio di bronte e purè di patate, zafferano, cipolle rossa caramellata (veal filled on a crust of pistacchio di bronte caramelized onions and mashed saffron potatoes). Ho preso coniglio disossato farcito con pancetta e provola affumicata, erbe aromatiche, purè con zafferano (boneless rabbit alla pasquale). The meal was “off the charts” including the red wine we always have Pasquale choose for us. Per dolce abbiamo mangiato panna cotta alla vaniglia con salsa ai lamponi (panna cotta with a sauce of raspberries). Lastly – Meloncello!

The great news is we have made reservations for two more meals here!

Buona Notte