Italy 2023

Primo e Secondo Giorno

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Oggi iniziamo il nostro viaggio. (Today we start our journey.)

We had our traditional Bloody Mary at Bar Symon at the airport.

This is the first year that someone (usually Carol) has not stayed at our house during our travels. With Geno in doggie heaven we turned off the water and turned on the alarm. One of our previous dog sitters, Dana, is watching the house.

Fa bel tempo oggi. (Good weather today.) The first  flight to Atlanta was smooth and just over an hour. Adesso, aspettiamo. (Now, we wait.)

The Delta app on our phone not only has our boarding passes but, tracks our luggage, gives us gate information and provides a map to the next gate in real time. Impressive! I highly recommend using the Fly Delta app when flying Delta.

Had a few drinks at the bar because of a 4+ hour layover. Chatted with some interesting folks which made the time pass more quickly – especially a group of young women traveling to Barcelona to celebrate their friend's 40th birthday.

Flight to Amsterdam when very well even though it was 9 hours. When traveling you have to be ready for the issues and Amsterdam took the bait. Then a half hour wait at the border patrol check – very long line! Then the gate to our flight to Pisa was changed. Again a very crowded gate area and once we boarded the plane we waited 40 minutes in our seats. Second year in a row we have had issues in Amsterdam. Avoid Amsterdam airport if you can.

Gisella, the lady who owns the apartment in Lucca, picked us up at the airport and drove us to Lucca. About a 30 minute drive. Lei è una bella donna. (She is a beautiful lady).

Nonostante essendo molto molto stanchi, siamo usciti a comprare alcune cose per una “cena” e una “colazione. (Despite being very very tired! we went out to buy a few things for a “dinner” and “breakfast”.)  Andare a dormire presto! (Early bedtime!)

Bloody Mary time
At Atlanta airport
our plane loading our dinner
Happy hour
Dow's new best friends (part of Barcelona group)
Bees rule
Vino, salumi, pane e una bella donna
Home away from home