Italy 2023

Giorno Seidici

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Abbiamo camminato le mura e oggi è stato più facile perché fa bel tempo. (We walked the wall and it was easier because the weather was nice.)

Ci siamo fermati per panini alla Tana del Boia. (We stopped for sandwiches at La Tana del Boia.) Dow bought a porchetta (pork) and I had a cinghiale (wild boar). We ate them on our balcony.

It was raining in the early afternoon so we hung around the apartment. Went out later for a walk around the city and had a spritz in Piazza San Michele. Piazza San Michele is the center of the city within the walls.

Siamo tornati all'Osteria Nova per la cena.( We returned to Osteria Nova for dinner.) Dow had the tuna tartare again and then spaghetti with clams.  I had tagliolini with black truffles - again. The meal was excellent as usual. We sat outside, although most people chose to eat inside – the weather is getting cooler especially at night.  But we enjoy eating outside as often as we can!

When Italians cook pasta, another important matter is the timing: regardless the kind of pasta, you must not let it become “soft”, by cooking it too much.

Pasta must be “al dente” (literally “to the tooth”): meaning, not too hard to break your teeth, but still hard enough to chew it!

Drinks on the balcony viewing Torre delle Ore (the clock tower).

The stairways make it too difficult to carry materials to upper levels
famous statue (and fountain) - The Naiade or Water Nymph
Renovated hotel
Waiting for our panini
Enjoy lunch on our balcony
The Torre delle Ore watches us
San Michele
Our apartment on the top floor- 45 steps
Bella donna
complimentary appetizer
Tuna tartare
Pasta with truffles
Pasta with clams
Wonderful evening
