Italy 2023

Giorno Sei

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Buon giorno,

Got an early start today so I could finish the web site before it gets too hot. It takes me about 2 hours to create and have my editor-in-chief, Dow, correct my errors and make suggestions. As does our Italian teacher, Teresa, who is also in Italy but in Gaeta. That is the city she and her husband Tony are from. She also checks the website if she is not too busy. We want her to enjoy her vacation so we try to be error free.

La nostra camminata è stata più facile oggi perché è stata nella mattina. (Our walking was easier today because it was in the morning.) Hopefully this becomes a routine. There were lots more people using the wall today. This was the first time this trip that we walked the entire wall (about 3 miles) because the weather was a bit cooler.

Katia and Andrea picked us up at 5 and we went to Viareggio. We have never been to Viareggio. It has 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) of sandy beaches, of which 6 kilometers (3.7 mi) are managed by private beach resorts and the remaining 4 kilometers (2.5 mi) are public. Beautiful beaches. Many people from Lucca go to Viareggio for a “get away”. It is also known for night life.

We walked and walked “La Passeggiata Margherita”. Poi ci siamo fermati per una bevanda (Then stopped for a drink) and then drove to dinner outside Lucca - La Casina delle Rose. The restaurant is under an Aqueduct.  We each had a seafood appetizer and then shared a family style fried fish plate. Questo è stato un grande ristorante con molte persone. (This was a big restaurant with many people.)

We arrived at our  apartment (after walking there from the wall - Andrea as a non- resident can't drive inside) at midnight. A full day with new adventures and 20,000 steps.

Buona Notte

Lots of people out and about
11km of beach
Neptune - God of the sea
Great breeze
The white in the mountain is where they mine marble (Carrara) and not snow
The world is ours (winning soccer coach was from Viareggio)
Like a boardwalk with many shops. It goes on and on.
Promenade- 2 miles of shopping
we trooped for a drink in Viareggio
Andrea's company car - it is a beauty and has all the bells and whistles
Entrance to the restaurant. Under an old aqueduct.
Andrea's mussels
Family style
Il dolce
Just great conversations