Italy 2023

Giorno Otto

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Bel tempo per dormire (Good weather for sleeping)

Worked on the website and lost WiFi. This is going to be an issue but I reset the router and we are back in business. We will see.

Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web e poi abbiamo camminato sulle mura. (We worked on the website and then walked the walls.) Ci siamo fermati al museo. (We stopped at a museum.) È un museo piccolo con informazioni eccellenti delle Mura di Lucca. (It is a small museum with great information of the city Walls of Lucca.)

Siamo andati a pranzo alla Bottega di Anna e Leo. (We ate lunch at La Bottega di Anna and Leo.) The cooking style is country Italian. Dow had vegetable soup and second course was ravioli. I had gnocchi for the first course and then tordelli . The waiter said “due paste?” and I said “si”. I had to try the gnocchi I and the tordelli. Very good as usual.

While walking the streets we ran into Pasquale, the owner of Osteria Da Pasquale. We had a nice conversation with him. He was telling us that he wanted to change the sign on his Osteria. There is so much red tape that most places put up a sign and in the corner is says temporary so they get around the red tape. Some temporary signs have been up for over 20 years. Italian bureaucracy is legendary. He said that a young and full of energy mayor has just been elected which will be good for the city.

Abbiamo fatto molti amici in Lucca (We have made many friends in Lucca.)  We have been coming here since 2010.

Snacks and drinks on balcony.  

Buona Notte !

Medieval Walls
La Bottega di Anna e Leo
Let me think
Where's the food?
Vegetable soup
Spinach and cheese filled ravioli with zucchini sauce
leaving a tip
Everyday a new dog position
Look at the lights on the walls in preparation for Santa Croce