Italy 2023

Giorno Ventuno

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Sad news to report – Andrea's father passed away in the morning. He was going to be transferred but never made it. We are so sad for Andrea, Katia, Niccolò and Letizia. And for Andrea's family. Although we did not know them, we send deepest sympathy to all.

We slept until 8:30. I guess we were really tired. Abbiamo lavorato sul sito web e poi abbiamo camminato le mura. (We worked on the web site and then walked the walls.)  

Fa bel tempo. (Nice day.)

We were going to meet Katia this afternoon but, those plans were cancelled until next year.  Per mercoledì mattina abbiamo prenotato un taxi per l'aeroporto di Pisa. ( For Wednesday morning we booked a taxi to the Pisa airport.) It is sort of like Uber. 30 minutes or so to the airport.

Started packing and getting organized. Vogliamo tornare a casa ma siamo tristi di lasciare la nostra casa qui. (We want to go home but, sad to leave our home here.)

We were also supposed to meet a chef Giuseppe Mazzocchi.  We took cooking classes from him in the past. His classes were filled until December this year. He wrote back and said he can't meet because he got COVID. Well if anyone is going to get it chances are it would be him because people come from all over the world to take his class and he works closely with the students. Anno prossimo (next year).

Dinner at Osteria da Pasquale. Lasted 4 hours due to our conversation with a British couple, seated next to us.  Like us, they have been coming to Lucca for years.  They are staying for for 5 weeks.

First few pictures are from Sunday.

Gisella & Giovanni's Kitchen
View from their backyard
bella vista (beautiful view)
Bicenternia of the Municipality of Capannori.
Bicentennial of the Municipality of Capannori.
Tower facts from Rick Steves
Campo dei Miracoli.. Picture from Pisa new practical guide.
View from Lucca's walls
warm octopus and cuttlefish with vegetables
Caponata of purple eggplants, celery, pine nuts, capers and olives
Fresh fish of the day (orata) with vegetables and potatoes
orata (Sea bream) - deboned
Boneless rabbit alla pasquale
Final dinner this year in Lucca